Fall Equinox & Solar Rings upgrades
If you have followed our energy updates you have heard about the Sun radiating new Ascension plasma waves sent in mass to the Earth through electromagnetic radiation. This is happening around the Equinox time till the end of September month.
What’s happening in short?
The sun is going through a huge magnetic change as part of the solar cycle. It mean is shifting itself inside out, it starts to invert the plasmic force (the light, the corona energy if you will).
Remember that our star is the portal from which our solar system evolves. The sun consciousness, the heart of our planetary system and our higher-selves collective consciousness agree on releasing expansion and awakening into the next level of Ascension with information influx and DNA encodement.
Planet Earth is a 4th Density being right now, it means that we are shifting in a transitory cycle from 3rd density to 4th density, or what you would know as from 4th dimension to 5th dimension.
At this moment, a multitude is happening around our sun star, and will be revealed over time to prepare the most powerful and strongest wave so far in our Era for a global humanity collective shift.
It is a result of galactic negotiation, discussion and collaboration so the amount of energy distributed from the sun for an induced intervention is regulated and buffered through the next decades and more so humanity absorb the transition with a maximum of ease. For this effect some “prisms” are dispersed around the sun to absorb the solar flash and distribute the magnetised energy at the right amount.
The sun is also a transversal portal, from which spacecrafts are emerging and placed around for protection formation and solar point regulators… Being very much visible, no wonder that all solar observation centers around the world have closed, so the information doesn’t get published to the mass, the collective is getting ready for discloser!
Well, as of now, the galactic assistance send their presence and absorption support, and those still in physical form are parking their interstellar fleets and spaceships above the planet chakras and grid nods to assist in the most intense period out of all the other spans.
Welcome in a new phase of magnitude fluctuation playing out sequences leading to a large combination of future events, all part of the process and the mechanics of the New Earth, this is part of the universal cycle.
When does it start?
Now, and we have opened yesterday in the monday group session the energy bodies and field to receive and flow with ease in the next two weeks of strong magnitude.
Moving forward with the upcoming solar waves
It is time to work and continue working with all your internal matters, to work in togetherness and bringing more self-love and compassion to yourselves. What is left incomplete within, left ignored will become active out as you are unfolding yourself in your realisation of how much you are a creator, how much malleable reality is and how much you experience the vastness of the infinite possibilities in your zero point. As the sun begins to unfolds itself and emits this energy, as the Earth unfolds herself beginning the transitory dimensional shift, as above so below, you yourself are unfolding inside out.
You understand now that we are at a point of no return, and you are creating more transformation within yourself based on how you feel and perceive your inner-outer world. It is accelerating. You are participating. You are elevating. You have agreed on the Ascension timeline, all is well.
How can we assist you to lead your path?
We invite you to keep joining:
The Monday Practice Heart Resonance 5D manifestation energy practice, shift your reality, activating your channel, and embody your highest timeline.
The upcoming course to build up your heart power and solar light body.
What is the Equinox About?
Each equinox and solstice is an astronomical event that acts as an energy generator. On the 22/23rd the North pole & South pole are aligning in vertical line, meaning that the Earth’s rotational axis is perpendicular (straight up and down).
Resulting in both Hemispheres receiving the sun’s rays equally; day and night are same durations.
How to bath in full awareness with this season energy cycle?
All around us, the nature is ending this year’s cycle of growth. Our human body is a creation of mother nature, and fully part of that cycle. The more awareness we bring into it the more we benefit from what she has to offer to progress and being in constant organic growth and rebirth.
The fall equinox it the harvest of the year physical, spiritual and energetic work, growth and expansion.. being ready to start a cycle anew.
The outer reality is reflecting your inner journey, your inner universe. Autumn is about ending, which is the natural sequence of life as we fall into our embodiment.
Ancient teachings, wisdom and civilisations knew it so well, we are relearning to tune in our body and the universal rhythm of creation. They have built sacred sites and energetic generator structures to assist the transitions in our journeys. Autumn is a physical reminder to look deeper at our blind spots, our shadows. To allow the fearful part to melt into Love.
Consider this equinox season for harvesting bountifully the growth of what you planted at the beginning of the year and clear out what is not serving anymore. So your soil is getting prepared to seed and be born anew in winter.
Look closely at the nature around you at all living forms, we are not separated from one another, come closely within and tune in your abundant magnitude and organic force, be reborn each year better than ever, create a world that resonate your universe, birth the New Earth with your Divine qualities.
Ready to embrace?
Surrender in a Sound healing meditation this friday and (every) friday at 4pm at Zen Yoga DMC, Dubai.
Activate in Monday Heart Resonance 5D manifestation practice, weekly group session, 7:30pm at Ascension plaftorms, Dubai. Join physically or Live online.
Transform with the Ascension Alchemy School program & course - next week end of immersion 28 & 29th of Sept.
Shift at the Egypt retreat in october
Read all the events here on www.ascensionplatforms.com/events
With diamond golden light to your beautiful heart. This is an honor to co-create this space together and be part of your journey.
Mathilde Lumiere & YogiGeorge